◇ 作家:钟言 ◇ 本文原载《债券》2024年12月刊 奉陪新一轮科技翻新,数字经济腾达发展,对经济结构、产业变革乃至社会处置产生深入影响,也为金融行业加速数字化转型、作念好数字金融大著述、发展新质分娩力建议期间条件。数据是数字期间的基础性、策略性资源,是数字经济的要害分娩因素。判辨金融数据因素潜能,引发金融创新活力和社会内生能源,是开启数字金融的钥匙,是栽植金融新质分娩力的引擎。 数据是数字金融发展的遑急驱能源。有别于传统分娩因素,数据因素具有非竞争性、范围经济、强协同性等特质,不祥赋能其他分娩因素,编削分娩形态,提高分娩后果。充分挖掘和高效愚弄金融数据因素的乘数效应,不错好意思满风险束缚及时化、决策赞助智能化、资源成就精确化,提高金融管事的后果和质地,拓宽金融管事畛域,将金融资源更精确地成就到经济社会发展的要点领域和薄弱递次,闲散多头绪实体经济需求。 数据束缚是促进金融数据因素价值开释的中枢。高效的数据束缚体系涵盖以数据处置为中枢的数据资源化,以数据财富估值为中枢的数据财富化,以及各递次的数据安全处置,不祥将千里睡的原始数据转动为有价值、体系化的数据财富,酿成数据驱动型资源成就和家具管事体系,让数据在束缚过程、业务应用场景中获取捏续深入的利用,并通过数据交游运动好意思满因素市集化成就,充分挖掘与开释金融数据价值,从而好意思满着实的数尽其用。 金融基础设施判辨数字变革引颈作用。金融基础设施手脚蚁合市集各参与方的“管说念”与“要道”,积聚金融市集数据资源,酿成宏大、种种且充满活力的数据生态系统,是遑急的数据分娩者、使用者和管事者。基于中迅速位,金融基础设施通过对数据资源的高效整合和深度挖掘,不祥为破解市集信息不合称、金融资源供需周期性失衡等行业经典贫瘠提供愈加精确的资源成就赞助,鼓动数据的因素化、市集化、价值化,破裂信息孤岛,推动好意思满金融体系开动后果倍增。 数据是期间的改日,在“十五五”策略机遇期,金融机构和行业应强化数据念念维,擢升创新意志,探索以数据为分娩因素,以期间为分娩器具的金融新业态、腾达态和新模式,加速鼓动数字金融发展,建成与数字经济发展高度符合的金融体系,在大派别字化发展大潮中建议中国决议,交出中国答卷! Unleashing the Vitality of Data Elements and Promoting Digital Finance Zhong Yan With the new round of technological revolution, the digital economy is flourishing, which has a profound impact on economic structure, industrial transformation and even social governance. It also requires the financial sector to accelerate digital transformation, promote digital finance and develop new quality productivity. Data is a fundamental and strategic resource in the digital age, and a key production factor of the digital economy. Unleashing the potential of financial data and stimulating financial innovation is key to growing digital finance and cultivating the new quality productivity in finance. Data is an important driving force for the development of digital finance. Unlike traditional production factors, data features non-competitiveness, economies of scale and strong synergy, which can empower other production factors, change production methods and improve production efficiency. Tapping into and utilizing the multiplier effect of financial data will enable real-time risk management, intelligent decision making and precise resource allocation, thus enhancing the efficiency, quality and scope of financial services to address key areas and challenges in socio-economic development and meet the needs of the multi-level real economy. Data management is critical in unleashing the value of financial data. An efficient data management system comprises data resource utilization with data governance as the core, data asset valuation and data security governance in all processes. It can transform dormant raw data into valuable and systematic assets, forming a data-driven resource allocation and product/service system. This will allow data to be utilized in management processes and business scenarios, and enable market-oriented allocation of factors through data trading and circulation, thus fully releasing the value of financial data. The financial market infrastructure (FMI) plays a leading role in digital transformation. Serving as the “pipeline” and “hub” connecting market participants, the FMI gathers financial market data resources to form a vast, diverse and dynamic data ecosystem and thus functions as a crucial producer, user and service provider of data. Based on its neutral position, the FMI can provide more accurate resource allocation support for addressing challenges such as market information asymmetry and cyclical imbalance of financial resource supply and demand through efficient integration and deep mining of data resources. It can run data in a factor-based and market-oriented way to unleash the value of data and enhance the operational efficiency of the financial system. Data is the key to the future. During the strategic opportunity period of the 15th Five Year Plan, financial institutions and the entire financial industry need to take data as a priority and enhance innovation to explore new business models and ecosystems with data as the production factor and technology as the production tool. In this way, they can accelerate the development of digital finance, build an enabling financial system, and present the Chinese solution to the global agenda of digital development. ◇ Editors: Du Zexia, Lu Ningning ![]() 背负裁剪:赵念念远 |
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